This video clip highlights thirteen-year old indigenous water activist, Autumn Peltier, of the Anishinabek Nation. She discusses what being a water advocate means to her and what her dreams of water accessibility look like in the future. To Autumn, being an advocate for the Earth’s water means raising awareness about the topic and bringing attention to why water needs to be protected. She hopes for a world in which everyone, in every place, can drink their own water and have widespread access to clean drinking water. Through her work, she honors her Great Aunt Josephine, a water advocate as well. Autumn describes one of her most memorable moments thus far in her advocacy being her time at the Assembly of First Nations in 2016, when she met Justin Trudeau and told him about her dissatisfaction with his decisions. Autumn emphasizes how her work is not for awards or recognition, but rather her passion to protect water and Mother Earth.

Photo Credit: Twitter/@ChiefsofOntario