The push for “green” jobs in traditionally male-dominated fields like energy and construction, while commendable, risks reinforcing gender disparities unless we expand our vision to include the care sector. Shockingly, despite women’s significant contributions to the care economy, a report by the International Despite initiatives like Biden’s American Climate Corps and the European Green Deal promising millions of new, well-paid positions, women remain significantly underrepresented in green industries. Shockingly, only 32% of jobs in renewables worldwide are held by women, as highlighted by a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency. By overlooking the significance of care jobs in green investment, policymakers miss an opportunity to create a more just and caring economy that prioritizes human rights, gender equity, and environmental wellbeing. Recognizing care work as essential to green investment isn’t just about fairness—it’s about harnessing the power of women to drive transformative change towards a sustainable future. By diversifying the green workforce and implementing gender-sensitive policies, we can pave the way for a truly inclusive transition that values the contributions of all individuals, regardless of gender.