This transcribed interview, Justin Campbell introduces us to Adrienne Maree Brown, activist and author of Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds (AK Press, 2017), a “radical planet/self-help” handbook for social justice organizers on how to change the world. Throughout the interview, Adrienne eloquently exposes some key themes of emergent strategy, which is anchored in the interconnectedness of the world we live in. In other words, individual/self-care and what we do to improve our relationships with each other both benefit the planet and our relationship with her. Adrienne also touches on the practice of generative conflict (relational), which is in contrast to pro-war mentality (fighting). In collaboration with activist Walidah Imarisha Adrienne also co-edited a science-fiction anthology Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements (AK Press, 2015), a collection of “Visionary Fiction” written by and for social justice organisers grounded on the principle that ‘all organizing is science fiction’. Photo Credit: Gant Studios