
/Tag: Argentina


29 03, 2016

    Six Indigenous Women Are At The Heart Of Argentina’s Anti-Fracking Resistance

    2017-07-12T20:08:39-04:00Country: |

    Chela Campo is amongst the six Indigenous Mapuche women from the Checho Maripe community who are putting their bodies at risk and chaining themselves to fracking machinery to stop drilling in the Argentinian Patagonia. The Mapuche come from a long legacy of resistance, first to genocide by the Argentinian state in the late 19th century, and most recently to the alliance between multinational fossil fuel companies and the Argentinian government that permitted drilling without the Mapuche’s consent. Photo credit: Checho Maripe

    28 10, 2015

      Rights Of Nature In Latin America: Ethics And Law In Dialogue

      2017-10-31T16:20:18-04:00Country: |

      Dr. María Valeria Berros, professor and researcher at the National University of the Littoral and the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research in Santa Fe City, Argentina, is researching the  recognition of nature as a subject of rights in Latin America. Using legal documents which recognise nature explicitly as a legal entity, such as Pachamama in the Constitution of Ecuador (2008), Madre Tierra (Mother Earth) in the Mother Earth Rights Act (2010) and the Framework Act on Mother Earth and Integral Development for Living Well (2012), in Bolivia, she shows that non-anthropocentric ethics is beginning to gain importance. Photo credit: Rachel Carson Center

      23 04, 2014

        Climate Change Is Threatening My Connectivity

        2017-10-26T21:16:36-04:00Country: |

        In this article, Sandra Gaitan Tabuyo illuminates the impact that climate change, via rainstorms and flooding, is having on internet access for Patagonians. She explains how these challenges infringe on the ability of women, in particular, to seek knowledge, tell their stories, cultivate networks, and share their visions for the future. Photo credit: World Pulse

        24 01, 2012

          The Mother Who Stood Up To Monsanto In Argentina

          2018-01-24T18:15:59-05:00Country: |

          Sofia Gatica, co-founder of the Mothers of Ituzaingó in Argentina, and recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize, spent her life in a city surrounded by GMO soybean fields, where farmers used toxic pesticides which directly impact the lives of nearby residents. After experiencing the deadly impacts of the practice, the Mothers of Ituzaingó launched an epidemiological study and found high rates of neurological and respiratory disease, birth defects and infant mortality, and cancer in their area. In 2010, Argentina’s Apex Court ruled that agrochemicals cannot be sprayed near populated areas. Sofia and the group now continue forward in other campaigns to reduce pesticide use and prevent expansion of Monsanto operations in the country. Photo Credit: Goldman Environmental Prize