Democratic Republic of Congo

/Tag: Democratic Republic of Congo


7 05, 2017

    The Women Of Inga: A Portrait Of Resilience

    2017-08-26T12:16:37-04:00Country: |

    The women of Inga grow nearly everything their community consumes, from the avocados, oranges and cassava that nourish their families to the medicinal herbs that heal their sick. However, the women have been living without access to electricity, schools, roads or hospitals for many years, despite the construction of hydroelectric dams on the nearby Inga Falls of the Congo River that ironically send power to people far away while bypassing those who care for the local river and forest. The women are now challenging the idea of top-down economic development based on massive infrastructure projects that evict local people and destroy local ecosystems, while plunging governments into debt. They are standing up and refusing to be disposable: their story shows the power of African women’s collective solidarity. Photo Credit: Ange Asanzi/International Rivers

    26 02, 2017

      Women for Forests Democratic Republic Of Congo – Winter 2017 Update

      2017-10-26T13:31:28-04:00Country: |

      The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network and SAFECO are working with women leaders to develop tree nurseries supporting reforestation efforts in the areas of Marunde, Rushasha, and Malanda of the Democratic Republic of Congo, impacting 1,500 people. The project’s focus is on rejuvenating the natural resources, protect the traditional life and knowledge of the Indigenous Pygmy people in the Itombwe Region, and collaboration with women leaders, such as Neema Namadamu, to work on climate change mitigation and women’s empowerment. Photo credit: Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network

      16 06, 2016

        An Inaccessible Wealth

        2017-11-09T20:05:39-05:00Country: |

        In this article, Afymab narrates the story of her aunt, Gaby, a farmer working in the fields in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Through Gaby’s story, Afymab points out how current customs and laws need to change and enable women to own their lands. Women are crucial in the fight against deforestation; granting them land rights would finally enable them to use sustainable farming techniques. Afymab is fighting and advocating to change the reality of women farmers in the DRC so that they can they can transmit their knowledge of nature to the next generations. Photo credit: Kaukab Jhumra Smith/USAID on Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

        28 06, 2015

          UN Experts Warn That Women Are Excluded From Climate Change Projects In Africa

          2017-07-19T22:01:18-04:00Country: |

          Eighty percent of Africa’s small-holder farmers are women, yet women across Africa face numerous barriers to accessing funds that would help their communities adapt to climate change. Ange Bukasa from the investment facilitation organization Chezang Connect in the Democratic Republic of Congo says there is a lot of talk of helping local communities and women, but there is still much work to be done. Photo credit: Jacob Silberberg/Getty Images