The Gambia

/Tag: The Gambia


28 09, 2016

    Farmers In West Africa Adapt To Climate Change Through Singing And Dancing

    2017-07-12T21:15:28-04:00Country: |

    The Kanyeleng women of Senegal and the Gambia are using song and dance to communicate urgent information about climate change adaptation. Their songs educate listeners about how to prepare for natural disasters and spread information about drought-resistant farming methods, composting and seed storage. Photo credit: Jane Hahn/ActionAid

    24 09, 2015

      Isatou Ceesay, Queen Of Plastic Recycling In The Gambia

      2017-09-24T16:24:15-04:00Country: |

      For 17 years, Isatou Ceesay has taught women how to transform plastic waste into products such as bags, toy balls, and wallets. Now, to combat the use and disposal of plastic in ways that harm people and the environment, her community-based organization the Women Initiative The Gambia (WIG) is supporting 3000 members to recuperate and recycle plastic across 40 communities. The initiative is putting into action Ceesay’s understanding that the health of the environment is inseparable from the well-being of women and all people. Photo credit: Climate Heroes 

      26 04, 2015

        Mother Earth Rose In The Gambia

        2017-10-26T13:33:48-04:00Country: |

        Dependent on artisanal fishing and small-scale agriculture, the Gambia is now witnessing droughts and floods that are pushing its inhabitants to turn to the forests to satisfy their basic needs. Unfortunately, widespread timber harvesting is leading to the clearing of virgin forest lands for agricultural purposes, while bushfires further aggravate deforestation. Young People Without Borders (YPWB) is working hard on reversing the impacts of climate change by implementing  reforestation projects using perennial plants, and promoting  the reuse and recycling plastics in building and homes. Photo credit: One Billion Rising