During a session of online U.S. Women’s Climate Justice Initiative Education and Advocacy trainings presented by the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, women leaders Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington, Cherri Foytlin, Pramilla Malick and Dr. Perry Sheffield share their experiences as frontline community leaders and professionals working with issues of environmental pollution and human health impacts from climate change. Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington, Co-Advisor on the Environmental Justice Advisory Board of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, shares on industrial pollution in Illinois and disproportionate impacts on communities of color; Indigenous leader Cherri Foytlin speaks on environmental racism and impacts of fossil fuels in Louisiana; Pramilla Malick of Protect Orange County and Stop the Minisink Compressor Station speaks on her community investigation to expose health impacts of fracking and gas infrastructure; and Dr. Sheffied, Environmental Pediatrician, presents on how toxic exposure and environmental degradation affects children’s health. Photo credit: Emily Arasim/WECAN