Lidy Nacpil is a political organizer, human rights advocate, and campaigner for the environment. She helps direct the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development while simultaneously filling a variety of roles across several other civil-society organizations , including the Green Climate Fund. She is one of only two “active observers” from civil society who is given time to speak at Green Climate Fund meeting. At these meetings, she makes use of video-conferencing so that as many advocates as possible can take part, particularly the people who are most at risk from a warming planet. Having lived under a dictatorship, she knows that giving up is simply not an option, even in the face of fear. And despite a grueling schedule, the global rise of nationalist parties, and environmental degradation, Nacpil says she remains hopeful. In order to move forward as a planet, she says, we have to stop treating the climate as less urgent than other crises. We have to include everyone, especially communities of color, and we have to recognize the interconnections of gender justice and climate justice. Photo credit: Ali Berrada